JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Message Routing Information

Every message that is sent between a local and remote (or server and client) buses contain session routing information. This information is used by the bus to determine what outbound queues to use to deliver the message to, so they will reach their intended recipients. It is possible to manually specify this information to indicate to the bus, where you want a specific message to go.

You can obtain the SessionID directly from a Message by getting the QueueSession resource:

   QueueSession sess = message.getResource(QueueSession.class, Resources.Session.name());
   String sessionId = sess.getSessionId();

You can extract the SessionID from a message so that you may use it for routing by obtaining the QueueSession resource from the Message. For example:

  public void callback(Message message) {
   QueueSession sess = message.getResource(QueueSession.class, Resources.Session.name());
   String sessionId = sess.getSessionId();

    // Record this sessionId somewhere.

The SessionID can then be stored in a medium, say a Map, to cross-reference specific users or whatever identifier you wish to allow one client to obtain a reference to the specific SessionID of another client. In which case, you can then provide the SessionID as a MessagePart to indicate to the bus where you want the message to go.

    .with(MessageParts.SessionID, sessionId)
    .with("Message", "We're relaying a message!")

By providing the SessionID part in the message, the bus will see this and use it for routing the message to the relevant queue.

It may be tempting however, to try and include destination SessionIDs at the client level, assuming that this will make the infrastructure simpler. But this will not achieve the desired results, as the bus treats SessionIDs as transient. Meaning, the SessionID information is not ever transmitted from bus-to-bus, and therefore is only directly relevant to the proximate bus.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-10 12:34:44 UTC, last content change 2012-09-14 19:06:54 UTC.